Wednesday, November 16, 2005

My back is weak and my mind muddied.

Afternoon affirmation. No, let's make this a morning affirmation. Repeat fifteen to twenty-three times as you prepare for yet another pointless day.


Blogger redwing said...

My mind is weak and my shoes are muddied. At least my back is still there holding me up for another pointless day. *:^)

Blogger mujayami said...

I think the point is to say the affirmation regardless of how your back feels now. Soon enough it should start to feel weak. =)

BTW, you all should check out my really cool blog Spamcake. It's truly amazingly impressive, even though it's just a baby. When you get there you can even leave a comment and tell me what you think. ;) ;) ;)

Please don't delete this spam, seitan. I am good spam. =)


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