Monday, October 17, 2005

I am ugly and mean.

Morning affirmation. Repeat this affirmation twelve times while eating breakfast, and another eight times before leaving your house for the day. If you don't leave the house all day, repeat the affirmation while gazing out the window. If you don't eat breakfast, you really ought to. Nothing gives you better start on the day than a good breakfast... except for a classic affirmation like "I'm ugly and mean".


Blogger redwing said...

Try eating more fiber... Artichokes with lemon & garlic might just do the trick.

And be sure to have a glass of Citrucel handy.

Blogger Waleed said...

Dear Seitan,

How do you know what I look like? We've online met online!

Your pal,


Blogger mujayami said...

I am ugly and mean, I mean I am ugly... and mean. :) There! Now I feel much better! :)


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